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1998 - 2014

The Bronxville Professional Development Center was established in August, 1985, by Dr. William Greenham, Superintendent of Schools, and Dr. Frank Simonetti, High School English Teacher.  A Policy Board including members from each of the District’s schools, as well as the members from the larger school community, was elected to provide leadership for the Center.  The founding members included:


Doris Knopf, ES Faculty, Policy Board Chairperson
Nan Burling, HS Faculty

Marie Sansone, ES Faculty

Judy Underberg ES Faculty

Cornelia Wathen, ES Faculty

Sally Stephens, ES Parent

Barbara Hamilton, HS Faculty

Miriam Leo, HS Faculty

Delia Selby, HS Faculty

Frank Simonetti, HS Faculty, Director

Chris Herman, HS Parent

Judy Codding, HS Principal

William Greenham, Superintendent of Schools

Frances Hardart, Board of Education

Ralph Schultz, Concordia College President

Barbara Kaplan, Dean Sarah Lawrence College


During its first year of operation, the Center developed programs that focused on the work of Theodore Sizer and the Coalition of Essential Schools, Literature Circles, Writing Workshop, Seattle Plan, Probability and Statistics in the ES, Thinking Skills, and Word Processing.


In 1986, the Center qualified for a NYS Teacher Center Grant and extended an invitation to the Eastchester, Pelham and Tuckahoe School Districts to become members of the Center, creating the BEPT Teacher Center Consortium.  The financial contributions of the additional districts and monies from the NYS grant, were used to support a full-time director, a full-time secretary, and programs such as critical thinking, peer coaching, strategies for teaching writing skills, foreign language oral proficiency methods, cooperative learning, the use of manipulatives to teach mathematics concepts, the Lincoln Center program, yoga for stress reductions, middle school advisory programs, an architect in residence program, reading circles, and technology workshops such as word processing, desktop publishing, databases, and spreadsheets,  Robert Sternberg and Terence Deal provided keynote presentations for four-district conferences. 


During the ensuing years, professional development programs included:



  • At-Risk Students

  • Cooperative learning

  • International Baccalaureate Program

  • Learning Channels

  • Mathematics Sequence/NYS Standards

  • Middle School Advisory Program

  • Peer Coaching

  • Project Adventure

  • Scheduling

  • School Climate

  • Strategies for Teaching Reading

  • Student Governments/Establishment of HS Student Faculty Legislature

  • Study Skills



  • Adolescent Special Needs Students; Edwin Ellis, Consultant

  • Cooperative Learning; David & Edith Johnson, Consultants

  • Interdisciplinary Instruction; Heidi Hays-Jacobs, Consultant



  • Assessment; Grant Wiggins, Consultant

  • Authentic Assessment; Bena Kallick, Consultant

  • Cooperative Learning; Pat McCormack, Instructor

  • Establishment of Graduate Equivalent Courses

  • Innovative Thinking; Mike Bagley, Consultant

  • Learning Strategies, Edwin Ellis, Consultant

  • Peer Coachinng

  • Portfolio Assessment; Heid Hayes Jacobs & Grant Wiggins, Consultants

  • Simulations as Instructional Strategies in Social Studies

  • Socratic Questioning; Nancy Letts, Consultant

  • Thematic Units of Instruction; Heidi-Hays-Jacobs, Consultant

  • Whole Language and Interdisciplinary Unit Planning

  • World of Difference – Prejudice Awareness Training



  • Attention Deficit Disorder

  • Classroom Projects for Gifted & Talented Students

  • Compact for Learning; Dr. Ruth Greenblatt, Presenter

  • Hands-on Classroom Science Units

  • Multiple Intelligences and Assessment; Joe Walker/Harvard Project Zero, Consultant

  • Project Approach to Learning Geography; Sam Brian, Consultant

  • Resolving Classroom Conflict Creatively

  • Sharing Decision-Making in the Classroom to Build a More Caring Community

  • Soundwaters Science Program; Dr. Marilyn Weigold, Consultant

  • Writing Workshop Approach in the Special Education Classroom




  • Action research

  • Assessment:  Student Portfolios, Running Records

  • Curriculum Mapping, Formation of Essential Questions, Senior Exit Criteria & Final Exhibitions; Bena Kallick & Grant Wiggins, Consultants

  • Compact for Learning

  • Interdisciplinary Learning; Heidi-Hays-Jacobs, Consultant

  • School Climate:  Myers-Briggs Assessment and Application

  • Big Books as Models for Writing

  • Learning Strategies, Edwin Ellis, Consultant

  • Junior Great Books Program

  • Visual Learning Theory


In 1993, Dr. Simonetti resigned as Director of the BEPT Consortium, and the Consortium headquarters moved to the Pelham School District, under the leadership of Linda Miller.  Dr. Simonetti continued to serve for the next four years as the part-time Director of the Bronxville Professional Development Center.  Carlos Ritschl was named as the District’s first Technology Coordinator.  During this period, the following professional development programs were explored:



  • Authentic Assessment

  • Building Learner-Centered Schools

  • Creating a Compelling Purpose for Change

  • Curriculum Mapping

  • Fifth grade lassrooms networked

  • Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences

  • Inclusion

  • Interdisciplinary Literature and Thematic Units of Study

  • Interdisciplinary Teaching Units; Jim Sullivan, Consultant

  • Math Their Way

  • Portfolio Design; Win Cooper, Consultant

  • Shakespeare in the MS English Classroom

  • Technology:  Networked Fifth Grade Classrooms



  • 4MAT and Writing Portfolios

  • ADHD; Janice Powalski & Joe Marchiony, School Psychologists

  • Adolescent Mental Health

  • Ages and Stages of Childhood:  Gesell Theory

  • Attention Deficit Disorder

  • Benefits of Cooperative Learning in the Workplace

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Critical Reading across the Disciplines

  • Implementing Change:  The Human Face of Reform; Robert Evans, Speaker

  • Inclusion

  • Interdisciplinary Teaching – Jim Sullivan

  • Introduction to Socratic Seminar; Nancy Letts, Consultant

  • Mainstreaming in the Foreign Language Classroom; Harriett Barnett, Consultant

  • Math Their Way

  • Orton Gillingham

  • Portfolios

  • Project Adventure

  • Research and Publishing on the Internet

  • Technology:  Accessing the Electronic Superhighway, Digital Library Resources, Microsoft Works

  • The Faculty in Mid-Career

  • Works of Art as Texts for Study



  • 4-MAT

  • Attention Deficit Disorder; Tom Brown, Consultant

  • Auditory Processing Disabilities

  • Conflict Resolution & Consensus Building; Robert Evans,                                                                    Consultant

  • Critical Friends Project

  • Goals 2000

  • NYSED Curriculum Frameworks

  • School to Career Project

  • Technology:  Microsoft Office



  • 4MAT System; Lori Barnett, Consultant

  • Chicago Math

  • How Children Learn to Read;  Sara Wilford, Consultant

  • New State Assessments and Learning Standards; JoAnn Larson, Speaker

  • No One to Play with:  Social Skills Development;  Betty Osman, Speaker

  • Parents and Teachers Working Together; Robert Evans, Consultant

  • Stress Management

  • Technology:  Digital Student Portfolios, Hyperstudio

  • Thinkprinting; Alison Tepp, Consultant


In 1997, Frank Simonetti resigned as Director of the Bronxville Professional Development Center; Dr. Denise Lutter was elected to replace him.  The Policy Board elected to focus programs on the following topics:



  • Bio-ethics

  • Block Scheduling – Alison Telsey

  • Curriculum Alignment:  Revised NYSED Social Studies Examination

  • Curriculum Mapping-Techpaths; Bena Kallick, Consultant

  • Curriculum Modifications for Special Education Students:  Alison Telsey, Consultant

  • Emotional Intelligence; George Cohen, Consultant

  • Foreign Language Seminars

  • Peer Mediation

  • Personal Challenge Physical Education Course

  • School to Work Program

  • Technology:  Model School Program, Digital Cameras,                                                                    Sharing of Best Practices, Website Evaluation

  • Writing Rubrics



  • Block Scheduling

  • Developing Listening and Attending Skills in the ES Classroom

  • Document-Based Questions in the Social Studies Classroom

  • Everyday Math

  • Guided Reading

  • Habits of Mind

  • Job-Embedded Professional Development:  Chicago Math Demo Lessons

  • Lincoln Center Institute

  • Meeting Needs of Diverse Learners; Clare Jones, Consultant

  • Special Education Students and Block Scheduling

  • Team Building;  Green Chimneys Program

  • Technology:  Adobe Photoshop, Digital Portfolios, Email, Publisher, School Vista, Internet, Web Page Design, Wiggle Works



  • Antique Roadshow in Bronxville

  • Brain Research and Learning

  • Bronxville and its Environs:  Approaching Local History through Documents, Visuals and Field Experiences; Eastchester Historical Society

  • Children Experiencing Family Crises; Nancy Boyd Webb, Consultant

  • Critical Thinking and Reading

  • Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom – George Cohen

  • Instructional Strategies for Social Studies; Donna Wagner, Consultant

  • Kindergarten Programs:  Nancy Gropper & Judy Leipzig, Sarah Lawrence Consultants

  • Language Development and Disabilities; Hyla Rubin, Consultant

  • Mentoring Program; Miriam Leo, MS/HS Coordinator & Heidi Menzel, ES Coordinator

  • NYS ELA Listening Sub-Test

  • NYS Social Studies Standards and Assessments; Marilyn Weigold & Alice Grant, Consultants

  • Orton  Gillingham

  • Reading and Writing Project:  Teachers College Workshops

  • State mandated PDP plan & APPR 175 hour requirement

  • Student Well-Being Study Group

    • Effect of Competition on Student Behaviors (e.g. Weight loss, Alcohol Consumption, Sexual Activity, etc.)

    • Effect of Media on Student Values Related to Human Relationships

    • Effect of Reward Systems on Student Behaviors

    • Impact of Technology on Communication Patterns

    • Lack of Instructional Time for Self-Reflection or Celebration of Achievements

    • Perceived Increase in Drug & Alcohol abuse among MS and HS students

    • Book Study:  D by William Pollack

    • Book Study:  Reviving Ophelia by Mary Pipher

    • Book Study:  Tribe Apart by Patricia Hersch

  • Technology:  Desktop Publishing, File Organization, Graphics, Microsoft Office 97, Internet Research, Web Page Design

  • Working with Special Needs Students


During the 2000-2001, the Policy Board worked diligently with the BEPT Consortium to increase enrollment in the Professional Development programs that were offered by the consortium.  Despite the best efforts of the Consortium Director and Bronxville’s Policy Board, participation in Consortium programs remained extremely low.  After a long deliberations and consultation with all members of the Bronxville staff, the Policy Board voted to withdraw from the Consortium and apply for a single-center Teacher Center grant.  The application was completed and the Bronxville Professional Development Center was established in 2001.  The Center serves the Bronxville School District, the Chapel School, and the St. Joseph School.  Samples of professional development programs that the Center has supported include: 



  • Action Research:  Teaching of fractions across the K-12 school; Miriam Leo, Jane Gallagher, Betsy Grogan, Adrienne Laitman, Donnie George, Ron Schaeffner

  • Curriculum Mapping; Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Consultant

  • Development of Research Skills (Note Taking, Library Skills, Citations, Bibliography, Footnotes, Reflection and Self-Assessment, Discerning Fact and Opinion, Identifying Credible Information, Questioning, Time Management, Thesis Statement, Conclusions);  Bena Kallick, Consultant

  • Differentiated Instruction; Donna Wagner, Consultant

  • Differentiated Instruction; Lisa Freund, Consultant

  • Everyday Math

  • Formalize, evaluate and coordinate K-12 mentoring program

  • Inclusion in Chappaqua; Joseph Shippa, Consultant

  • K-2 Writing Program; Pam Allyn and Cathy Grimes, TCRWP Consultants

  • Mentoring Program (Committee to Guide Program Development and Mentor Selection; Preparation of Mentoring Handbook)

  • Shift from Bronxville diploma to NYS diploma

  • Standards Based Environments; Sara Wilford & Margery Franklin, Sarah Lawrence Consultants

  • Student performance data system

  • Student Well-Being

  • Team Building

  • Team Building:  George Cohen and Patrick Howley (Yale)

  • Technology:  Cornerstone Reading, Wiggle Works, Timeliner,                                                    Neighborhood Map Machine, Adobe Pagemaker, Photoshop

  • Tri-State Consortium partnership

  • Understanding by Design, Bena Kallick, Consultant



  • Developmental Understandings in a Standards-Based                                                                Environment:  Sara Wilford, Sarah Lawrence

  • Differentiated Instruction in Science:  Mary Jo Diem, Consultant

  • Differentiated Instruction in Special Education:  Jane Cahn, Consultant

  • Differentiated Instruction:  Lisa Freund, Consultant

  • Grading in a Differentiated Classroom; Ken O’Connor, Consultant

  • K-2 TCRWP; Pam Allyn, Consultant

  • Learning Styles:  Implications for Differentiated Instruction:  Kevin Gormley, Consultant

  • Literature of the World Wars

  • Mentoring Program Established, Miriam Leo Coordinator, MaryBeth Gettelfinger, Committee Chairperson

  • Opening the Closet Door; Linda Prendergast, Consultant

  • Seattle Plan Durg & Alcohol Curriculum

  • Self-Esteem Teacher; Robert Brooks, Consultant

  • Socratic Seminar; Nancy Letts, Consultant

  • Teaching China and Mongolia; Tom Witmer, Presenter

  • Teaching Comprehension to Enhance Understanding:  Jim Sullivan, Consultant

  • Technology:  Adobe Suite, Digital Microscopy, E Scholar Data Warehouse, Palm Pilots



  • Action Research:  Richard Sagor, Consultant

  • Curriculum Compass (Mapping); Bena Kallick, Consultant

  • Curriculum:  K-5 science program; Mary Jo Diem, Consultant

  • Differentiated Instruction:  Developing Minds Video Series:  Mel Levine

  • Student Well-Being Book Series

    • Gatekeepers by Jacques Steinberg

    • Best Friends, Worst Enemies, Understanding the Social Lives of Children by Michael Thompson

  • Student Well-Being Home/School Partnership Workshop:  Peter Read, George Cohen and Linda Prendergast, Consultants

    • Creating Effective Patterns of Communication

    • Valuing and Supporting Scholarship

    • Fostering True Character

    • Building Trusting Relationships

    • Finding Common Ground

  • TCRWP Summer Institute

  • Teacher-Leader Book Series

    • Awakening the Sleeping Giant:  Helping Teachers Develop                                                             as Leaders by Katznemeyr & Moller

    • Leading in a Culture of Change by Michael Fullan

    • Leadership and the New Science by Margaret Wheatley

    • Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman

  • Teacher-Leader Curriculum Development

    • Math for Non-Mathematics Teachers:  Miriam Leo

    • Weather Station

    • Rules-Based Spelling Program:  Virginia Gentile

    • HS Core Science Program

    • Instructional Designs:  Grade 5 Geography

    • Physical Education Curriculum Revision (CPR/First Aid, PA, Fitness Foundations, Lifetime Sports)

    • Printmaking Curriculum

    • Conference Grant Program:  AP Science Conference, Dyslexia Conference, National Conference of Teachers of Math



  • Action Research; Richard Sagor, Consultant

  • Curriculum Development

    • Book Study:  Strategies that Work by Harvey and Goudvis

    • Book Study:  Units of Study by Lucy Calkins; Pam Allyn:  Scope and sequence for a non-fiction unit of study, goals, assessment rubric, instructional design

    • K-5 Literacy Program;  Pam Allyn and Cheryl Lacey, LitLife Consultants

    • K-5 Preventing Academic Failure Spelling Program, Phyllis Bertin, Consultant

    • Kindergarten Assessment Tool

    • Fourth Grade ELA Lesson Design

    • Systematic Study of Latin and Greek Roots in Grade 5; Margaret Kleiber, Consultant

    • ES FLES

    • LitLife Summer Symposium (Hosted in Bronxville)

    • HS Social Studies Writing Rubric

    • MS Advisory; Peter Read, Consultant

    • MS English:  Multi-Cultural Images of Women in Literature

    • MS Literature Review:  NYS Alignment, Encourage Reading                                                              of Multiple Genres

    • MS/HS Grammar Time Program:  Beth Gillen & Stephanie                                                          Gervasi

    • HS Economics

    • HS Interdisciplinary Curriculum:  US History & AP English                                                            Language

    • HS Science Core Curriculum

  • Differentiated Instruction:  Co-Teaching Model for Ninth Grade;                                                          Jane Cahn, Consultant

  • Differentiated Instruction; Schools Attuned Program

  • Strand-Based Report Cards; Ken O’Connor, Consultant

  • Student Leadership and Peer Assistance Program

    • Responsive Classroom (ES)

    • MS/HS Homework Helps Program; Lisa DeSanto and Barbara Dhyne

    • MS Peer Mentor Program

    • Freshman Transition Program; Princeton Center for Leadership

    • Home/School Partnership Program

  • Book Studies

    • Reading with Meaning by Debbie Miller

    • Scientist in the Crib by Alison Gopnik and Andrew Meltzoff

  • Student Well-Being

    • Neurological Issues and Medications Impacting Student Attention; Dr. Mike Katz, Consultant

    • Raising Socially-Emotionally Intelligent Teenagers:  Parenting with Love Laughter and Limits; Dr. Elias, Consultant

  • Technology:  TI Graphing Calculator; Ron Lancaster, Consultant

  • Technology:  Smartboard, Blackboard, Mimeo, Classroom Performance System, Digital Moviemaking, Adobe Premiere, Flash, Physical Education Heart Rate Monitors



  • Action Research; Richard Sagor, Consultant

  • Curriculum Development

    • Mathematics Program Review:  Mary Jo Diem, Consultant

    • Project Adventure

    • TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) Report;  Mary Jo Diem, Consultant

  • Home/School Partnership

    • Mountain beyond Mountains:  The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer by Tracy Kidder

    • Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

    • Our Guys by Bernard Lefkowitz

    • Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey

  • Book Studies

    • How People Learn by Gransford, Brown and Cocking

    • Knowing and Teaching Elementary School Mathematics by                                                            Liping Ma

    • Reading with Meaning by Debbie Miller

    • Teaching with the Brain in Mind by Eric Jensen



  • Curriculum

  • ES Fast and Flexible Orton Gillingham

  • ES LitLife:  Cultivating Readers and Writers of All Ages

  • MS English: African American Poets; Joanna Featherstone, Consultant

  • Mosaic of Thought, Seven Keys to Comprehension by Susan Zimmerman,

  • Technology:  Edline, Publisher, PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop



  • Curriculum

    • Understanding By Design:  Essential Questions, Content, Skills, Authentic Assessments

  • Assessments that Reflect Bronxville Standards for Learning, Bena Kallick, Consultant

    • Economics:  Stock Market Game; Jim Cramer Show Episodes

    • Latin:  Identify Errors in the Movie The Gladiator, Roman Fairy Tales

    • Fourth Grade:  Work as Anthropologists to Gather Information for Game Design

    • French:  Universal Truths in Children’s Books

  • Second Grade:  Memoirs

  • Technology:  SmartBoards, PowerPoint, Blogs, pdcasts and wikis



  • Curriculum

  • K-5 Literacy Curriculum, Georgie Marley, LitLife Consultant

    • Online courses in physics, music composition and AP music theory

  • Teacher Evaluation, Mentoring, Curriculum Leader Training, Jim Morgan/Grazmor Associates, Consultant

  • Power of Play, Stuart Brown, Consultant

  • Research on Impact of Play on Learning; Jan Drucker/Sarah Lawrence, Consultant

  • Auditory Processing Training for Speech/Language Teachers; Randi Sherman, Consultant

  • Kodaly Training/Elementary Music Curriculum; Jerry Kerlin, Consultant

  • Global Education Best Practices; David Molina, Asia Society

  • Global Education Curriculum

    • HS Silk Road Unit

    • ES Japanese Story cCrds

    • Nicaragua and Tanzania Service Learning Programs

    • HS World Hunger Day

    • MS International Club

    • ES Exchange Books Kenyan Students

    • MS Sister School – Ecuador

  • Socratic Seminars

  • Student Well-Being

    • Grief Counseling

    • Pre-vocational training program for life skills

  • Technology:  SmartBoards, Senteo System, Edline, Blogs, PSA, Skype, Online Newspaper, Facebook



  • Mathematics Study Skills; Stephen Peverly, Consultnat

  • Technology:  SmartBoard Training; JoAnn Murphy-Genter, Consultant

  • Technology Skills Continuum:  Meghan Ormiston, Consultant

  • Foreign Language Curriculum Development; Ronnie Ancona, Consultant

  • Music Technology; Thomas Rudolph, Consultant



  • Interdisciplinary Curricula:  Veronica Boix-Mansilla & Flossie Chua, Harvard Project Zero Consultants

  • Technology:  Will Richardson, Consultant

  • EdLeader 21 Partnerships; Ken Kay, Consultant

  • Science Program Development:  Nils Ahbel, Consultant

  • Critical Thinking Skills; Daniel Willingham, Consultant



  • Interdisciplinary Curricula:  Veronica Boix-Mansilla & Flossie Chua, Harvard Project Zero Consultants

  • Lesson Study/Singapore Mathematics; Makoto Yoshida, Consultant



  • Interdisciplinary Curricula:  Veronica Boix-Mansilla & Flossie Chua, Harvard Project Zero Consultants

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Professional Development that focuses on:

  • Student Needs

  • Best Practices

  • Professional Collaboration

  • Educational Research​

  • Innovative Curriculum Design


T: 914-395-0500


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